March 10, 2010

Keropok Lekor

A popular and the most visible fried snack in Terengganu, the keropok is made of fish meat, ground to a paste, and mixed with sago. Coming in two main different forms, the long chewy ones are called 'lekor', while the thin, crispy ones are called 'keping'. Keropok is best eaten hot with its special chili dip.

Hahaha..aku br tau kropok y nipis tu pgl keping..bak kate org tganu. Sem ni kt kampus, kropok lekor ar y jd makanan tghari ktrg.Nasi belah petang ktrg mkn. Disebabkn sem ni byk kls 11-1, 2-5, ktrg decide skip mkn tghari sbb mls nk rushing tuk kls kul 2. Petang br g mkn kt 'Kandang Bistro'..hehe. Abih kls kul 1 g bli kepok kt makcik y meniaga kt fakulti tu..Makcik y xfriendly..huhu. Tp syukur alhamdulillah..dpt gak ar alas perut sementara, sblm perut ni dpt mknn y mewah ckit..huhu


  1. owh..samer la kter.Tapi kami mesti makan bihun....n bihun....n then share ramau2 makan ..huhu...dessert lain pastnya keropok keping tu la....best2..:)

  2. bihun tu kenyang tu..
    dh kire mkn tghari ar tu..hehe;-)


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