January 23, 2011


Salam 1Malaysia everyone...
Hmm praktikal pun dah abih.Skang start wat report y ntah bile nk start ni..hu2.Bile tibe time nk wat report,liatnye rase nk wat..hehe
Dah abih praktikal ape mau wat?? Cari keje ar ape lagi..Nak kumpul duit to fulfill my dream..Insyallah..
Nk start that 'new hobby'..nk kumpul duit n travel tmpt y teringin nk g..
It take a long time rasenye nk jd kenyataan..Hope Allah permudahkn urusan aku..kalau ditakdirkn xdpt,aku redha...Sometime ape y kite nk tu ar yang xdpt kn? I won't give up..selagi boleh...
Ganbatte! Chaiyok2!
All the best to all out there too! ;-)

January 7, 2011

Pembuka Kata 2011

Salam semua...
thn 2011 dh smgu bmula..tp aku br nk wat pembuka kate. n this is the 1st entry for this year..
nothing much to say..just hope this year it will be better for me..hope thing will get easier n hope xbyk mslh dlm melalui khidupan seharian..
praktikal pun dh nk abih..searching for the job.still....
new thing for me this year..ak br nk amek lesen kereta..huhu
takut gak tp hope ok n cepat lulus..he2
Hope thn ni n thn2 y akan dtg,aku dpt capai ape  aku nak..
too many hope rite?? hehe..Insyallah...
ape2 y jadi pun redha je..
that's it for now..xtau nk tulis pe g..hehe
see u later on..for the new entry..;-)

All the best to all!! ;-)

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